
Posts Tagged ‘track’

Waterford Track

No longer has a silly front wheel. The proper matching wheel has been replaced. I love this thing, and have owned it the longest out of all my current bikes, but sadly it’s been neglected as of late. I think I am going to pull it down off the wall and throw a front brake on for the winter.

Fuso commuter/townie/do everything bike

This is my favorite bike (I think, it’s hard to decide). I ride it every day. I have always loved Dave Moultons work and was really excited when I finally found a Fuso in my size. I love the components on this bike too… Chris King, White Industries, Dura Ace track cranks… I’m so lucky to have such a nice bike to ride every day.

Eddy Merckx Team Telekom Corsa Extra

Seriously? I own a Merckx? I never actually thought that I would be riding a Corsa Extra. This is one of those bike that I always dreamed to own but didn’t ever think would happen.  I am truly fortunate to have this and I believe that the bike gods were smiling for me the day I acquired it. Hopefully during winter break I will have lots of extra free time to do some long rides. I would really love to ride down to Santa Cruz sometime soon. I will be taking  it with me to San Diego when I go for the Holiday. There are some beautiful rides in San Diego.

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